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Supplement approaches to healthy inflammation response – product development guide

White-paper-Supplement approaches to healthy inflammation response – product development guide

Supplement approaches to healthy inflammation response – product development guide
Optimizing the body's immune response with supplements can benefit joint health, immunity and more.

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As the body’s natural response to stressors, injuries or threats, inflammation is mostly a good thing. When this process functions properly, it drives out infections, neutralizes allergens, heals wounds and braces the body against further harm. Trouble is, many factors, including an unhealthy diet or lifestyle, can turn inflammation into a damaging, even chronic, problem.

Though they may not fully grasp its complexity, consumers increasingly understand that supporting a healthy inflammation response is key to immunity, joint health, mood, cognition, heart health and much more. They seek out supplements, sold across condition areas and in innovative formats, that influence specific processes involved with inflammation.

Download this product development guide to discover a breadth of branded active ingredients that can power supplements aimed at healthy inflammation management.  

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