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A crossover study of probiotics effects on mood, sleep and bowel symptoms in adults – white paper

White-paper-A crossover study of probiotics effects on mood, sleep and bowel symptoms in adults – white paper

A crossover study of probiotics effects on mood, sleep and bowel symptoms in adults – white paper

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Digestive discomfort is distressing and can disrupt daily activities. Out of the many different digestive disorders, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) typically pertains to chronic abdominal pain, bloating, discomfort and alteration of bowel habits and affects 10-15% of the general population. Abdominal pain tends to be one of the most common complaints and can be difficult to identify and manage. 

Download this whitepaper from Atlantia Clinical Trials to learn more about a study that demonstrates how to assess the impact of a probiotic combo on mood, stress and bowel symptoms in adults with irritable bowel syndrome. The aim of this trial is to investigate the effect of a probiotic strain on bowel symptoms and stress/mood in adults with IBS.

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