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Jeff Bland gets big and bold about immune health – podcast

Audio-Jeff Bland gets big and bold about immune health – podcast

Rethinking immune function with the nutrition industry’s most insightful thought leader.

ToddCast Vol. XXVIII: COVID times are accelerating the health care paradigm, and the leading thinker on functional medicine and personalized nutrition is leading the charge. Immune boosting is so 20th century. Think immune rejuvenation. Think training your immune system like you would build muscle for fitness. Think of categorizing your immune function into immunity personalities. Insider senior editor Todd Runestad rethinks the future of nutrition with Dr. Jeffrey Bland, Ph.D., founder of the Personalized Lifestyle Medicine Institute and president of Big Bold Health. They discuss:

  • The five categories of one’s immune system personality—angry, confused, sensitive, withdrawn and balanced—and nutrients that support each one.
  • Bland’s serendipitous journey of discovery of the next great superfood (and crop for carbon times), Himalayan tartary buckwheat.
  • What the future of health care and functional medicine looks like in 2050.
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