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The precious circle: Nature, technology, people – white paper

White-paper-The precious circle: Nature, technology, people – white paper

The precious circle: Nature, technology, people – white paper

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Sustainability efforts are an important criteria when selecting a botanical supplier. At Indena, we're committed to a strong and sustainable supply chain. Indena cares about where plants are grown, about how they are handled and for the people who are responsible for the plants. Indena knows that paying attention at every step of the way positively impacts the quality and effectiveness.

In 2013, Indena launched its Sustainable Sourcing Program to assure the safety and wellbeing of the communities involved in our supply chain and conserve biodiversity, with a special focus on sustainable regeneration of wild species. The program is based on continuous supplier assessment of 120 botanical species from approximately 60 countries – leading to dedicated local projects that generate positive social and environmental impact.

Read the white paper to learn more about Indena's journey through sustainability.

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