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Think VitaCholine® for a smart start – infographic

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Think VitaCholine® for a smart start – infographic

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Choline is an essential nutrient that supports brain and spinal cord development.(1) Yet just 4% of pregnant women in the United States get enough choline in their diet from food & beverages alone.(2) The latest research shows that moms who get adequate choline in their diets during pregnancy provide benefits for both themselves and for baby.  Learn why choline is important, how it impacts baby and how moms can get more choline in their everyday nutritional routine. Find out more about VitaCholine®, the #1 leading choline brand globally, and the gold standard in infant nutrition. 

1) Zeisel SH. Ann Rev Nutr 2006; 26: 229-250.
2) USDA, Agricultural Research Service, 2021. Total Usual Nutrient Intake from Food, Beverages, and Dietary Supplements, by Pregnancy/Lactation Status, What We Eat in America, NHANES 2015-2018; Available at:

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