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The word of the year is 'upcycling,' now for immunity ingredients

Video-The word of the year is 'upcycling,' now for immunity ingredients

NutriLeads developed the branded ingredient, BeniCaros, which labels as soluble carrot fiber. Inside is the natural bioactive, RG-1, with impressive human clinical evidence showing it reduces the duration and severity of common cold symptoms.

Perhaps “upcycling” is just a fancier way of saying “waste-stream ingredient.” Either way, it’s certainly a more consumer-resonant term. In this case, NutriLeads developed the branded ingredient, BeniCaros, which labels as soluble carrot fiber. Inside is the natural bioactive, RG-1, with impressive human clinical evidence showing it reduces the duration and severity of common cold symptoms. Listen in with sci guy Ruud Albers and CEO Joana Carniero.


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